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Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Redmon designed and developed these games for Iowa DNR to allow staff to update and change content so they could vary the game experience at the three stations. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sought to renovate A/V exhibits of their mobile education exhibit. They use the mobile trailer to travel to schools and fairgrounds in Iowa to help promote natural resource stewardship.

Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Redmon designed and developed these games for Iowa DNR to allow staff to update and change content so they could vary the game experience at the three stations. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sought to renovate A/V exhibits of their mobile education exhibit. They use the mobile trailer to travel to schools and fairgrounds in Iowa to help promote natural resource stewardship.

Interactive Education, Anywhere
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) sought to renovate A/V exhibits of their mobile education exhibit. They use the mobile trailer to travel to schools and fairgrounds in Iowa to help promote natural resource stewardship. In addition, the conservation and promote the benefits of reducing reliance on landfills. Additionally, the games include a game show quiz, a drag-and-drop recycle sorting challenge, and a riddle based matching game; targeted for a fourth-grade audience. Redmon also developed a looping video, using content provided by Iowa DNR, that promotes some their community efforts. In addition, recommended and installed new hardware for the mobile education exhibit.
Redmon designed and developed these games to allow staff to update and change content so they could vary the game experience at the three stations.