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OmniRide Website
Redmon converted a static website for PRTC into a content management system-based website. The introduction of a CMS allows client staff to make content and media changes to the website easily.

OmniRide Website
Redmon converted a static website into a content management system-based website. The introduction of a CMS allows client staff to make content and media changes to the website easily.

Redmon Group programmed and hosts the OmniRide website for PRTC. Partnering with SIR Consulting, Redmon transitioned the website from a non-responsive designed, static website to a responsive, CMS-backed website, implanting a new look to emphasize OmniRide's change in identity and branding. By placing the website on the Mura 7 CMS, Redmon is now able to update the website with new functionality using customized or third-party CMS add-ons. Redmon's support package with OmniRide includes: server monitoring, software updates, ADA audits, and SEO health checks.

- Responsive Website
- Optimized with SEO
- Mobile First
- Section 508 Compliant Bus Timetables and Route Pages

Redmon converted a static website into a content management system-based website. The introduction of a CMS allows client staff to make content and media changes to the website easily.