Tag: health
Thrive! Self-Care for Caregivers Program

An interactive multimedia web based training program for caregivers so they can reduce their stress and better cope with taking care of their loved one. This program allows users the ability to learn new methods to reduce stress, by viewing videos, engaging with interactives and taking a few assessments. For this project Redmon custom designed and developed the entire program, including interactives, video and audio recordings. Continue Reading >
Taking Charge Digital Learning

Taking Charge is a mobile website exclusively for a research study for use on a mobile device only for ISA Group. As a matter of fact, the site is for anyone who is interested in staying active and healthy. In addition, it is targeted for adults who are interested in life-long learning and living life to its fullest. Continue Reading >
Healthy Past 50 Digital Learning

Redmon worked with ISA Group to create Healthy Past 50: Your Guide to Feeling Young & Vital, a multimedia-rich, health promotion website for older workers that contains videos, interactive quizzes and activities. In addition, mobile-friendly tracking tools, a content management system, and more. We also built an administrative system that allows ISA to manage and track users of the site. Continue Reading >
Aging Well Digital Learning

This program is designed to help you make and maintain the behavioral choices that will enable you to be as healthy as you can be and to age as gracefully as possible. Continue Reading >