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The Importance of E-learning
Traditional learning took a hit as we have never seen before. In 2020, schools closed due to the pandemic. Teachers had to get up to speed with e-learning.

The Importance of E-learning
Traditional learning took a hit as we have never seen before. In 2020, schools closed due to the pandemic. Teachers had to get up to speed with virtual learning.
The Importance of E-learning
Published: 09/05/2021

Traditional learning took a hit as we have never seen before. In 2020, schools closed due to the pandemic. Teachers had to get up to speed with virtual learning. Schools had to step up and find solutions and alternatives to traditional, face to face learning.
This also was a huge challenge for museums. They had to close its doors temporarily during the pandemic. Currently, museums offer appointments for visits. The purpose was to assure proper social distancing among their visitors.
Online learning is now a necessity. Users/students can log on a specific time and take a class, or take training. They can do this at their own pace. Even though the pandemic has been a huge challenge, it also brought advantages and more opportunities. Especially when it comes to technology and accessing information.
Online learning also has its disadvantages. The causal connection issues, computer errors, is one of them. Also the attention that the user is giving while not being in a structured setting. The benefits outweigh the issues.
Advantages of e-learning
Flexibility – Users no longer have to be in a set place in time, in order to take a course. Unless it is an online seminar which may have a set time. Usually recordings/slides are provided so they can access the information whenever they have a chance. Also, they can go at their own pace.
Cost effective – Technology is an extra cost. In the long run, it saves a lot of money as spaces don’t need to be rented. Also, materials such as presentations, books are available in an electronic format.
Increase reach – Museums closed their doors and didn’t allow visitors. But also gave them the opportunity to reach more people by engaging in social media. Also providing educational digital content and livestreams. This gave the opportunity for local people to see what’s going on. People out of state and out of the country have access to the museum’s content.
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