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Guide to Talking to Reporters Digital Learning
Redmon worked with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association to produce a 10-minute online course. This course teaches the basics of media relations to help you avoid common pitfalls. Also, the AOPA Guide designed to inform pilots about the media and offer tips on dealing with reporters' questions.

Guide to Talking to Reporters Digital Learning
Redmon worked with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association to produce a 10-minute online course. This course teaches the basics of media relations to help you avoid common pitfalls. Also, the AOPA Guide designed to inform pilots about the media and offer tips on dealing with reporters' questions.

AOPA Guide to Talking to Reporters Course
Redmon worked with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association to produce a 10-minute online course. This course teaches the basics of media relations to help you avoid common pitfalls. Also, the AOPA Guide designed to inform pilots about the media and offer tips on dealing with reporters' questions.

Redmon worked with the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association to produce a 10-minute online course. This teaches the basics of media relations to help you avoid common pitfalls. The AOPA Guide to Talking to Reporters is designed to inform pilots about the media. Additionally, to offer tips on dealing with reporters' questions.