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Website Speed - Seven Ways To a Faster Website
Website speed optimization is a key term in the technology industry. Specifically, among website designers and developers.

Website Speed - Seven Ways To a Faster Website
Website speed optimization is a key term in the technology industry. Specifically, among website designers and developers.
Website Speed Optimization - Seven Ways To a Faster Website
Published: 09/10/2021

Website speed optimization is a key term in the technology industry. Specifically, among website designers and developers. It's somewhat of a big deal, since a website that loads slow equals less visitors. In simple terms, website speed is the actual time a website loads from the server to the browser. Optimizing speed entails looking at the site as a whole and implementing a few improvements that we will discuss here.
A slow website speed can impact search rankings; decrease the quality in user experience and overall bring less visitors to the site. Engineers at Google determined that anything over 0.4 seconds decreases visitors to a site; while Microsoft specialists have come up with 0.25 seconds. Some factors that can affect website speed are server related; but some are related to its structure. A heavy load of JavaScript files, large image sizes, and CSS stylesheets can contribute to a poor load time. These are things we take in consideration when we develop websites; whether it's a new website, or an existing website and determine how we can improve website speed.
Seven Ways To Increase Website Speed
- Optimize images - The larger an image is, the more it will affect website speed. It's best to optimize each image, so it doesn't contribute much to the payload.
- Minify CSS and JavaScript - By minifying these files, the file size reduces;
- Web Hosting - make sure you are using the right web hosting for your website.
- Minimize HTTP requests - These are the layers of communication between the server and the user. In simpler terms, the number of files (CSS, Javascript, etc). A ballpark is to keep 50 or less HTTP requests per page.
- Remove any unnecessary code, CSS, JavaScript. If you have a website using WordPress, remove any unused plugins.
- Enable cache - This is a setting so users get a copy of the website that has been loaded already. The disadvantage is that they may not be loading the most recent version.
- Do regular speed performance testing - As websites are updated, we should run some type of performance testing. One tool is Lighthouse by Chrome.
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